People leading people to Christ

In the past two years we went through a huge transformation in Russia – from AM radio to online outreach.

Our listeners became closer to us, and they increased in number. Every month we are now reaching more than a million people. And since it is so easy to respond on their phones and computers, they do in great number.

Every month we receive more than 30 thousand responses. While many of them are simple “thank yous” or comments, thousands of people need help.

The response has especially increased in the past six months, and we need more people, both FEBC counselors and volunteers to help them and lead them to Christ.

“I am raising my children by myself, and I was desperate, utterly without hope until I heard your programs…”

I began listening to your programs, and I realized I have no idea what it is to be a believer, a Christian. Can I talk to someone?”

“My son is in prison. I’ve never prayed before but am praying for him now. Please teach me how to pray properly.”

Friends, it’s responses like these that we cannot leave unattended. These people need help, and we’ve discovered that it’s after the one-on-one counseling that people give their lives to Christ.

We have encountered a huge “problem” – thousands of people began responding to us every month.

Just after one broadcast that had after-program counseling for a few months, more than 160 gave their lives to Christ and came to the local evangelical churches.

So, we are meeting these challenge by investing in the ministry of three experienced counselors/evangelists, who will be working with our listeners online and over the phone, depending on the need and listener’s preference. The first fruits of this decision are already coming in – more people are making decisions for Christ.

The second step is to significantly widen our volunteer network. We have begun working with dozens of potential evangelists – and this is a challenging process. We want all our volunteers to be able to truly minister to people and draw them to Christ. Please pray for these efforts.

Victor P. Akhterov, PhD
Director for Russia & Ukraine

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