Our listeners respond

Obtaining hope in the face of death

Anna from Krasnodar:
“My husband is terminally ill. When we learned about it, I discovered that there are very few people who can provide any kind of help, any support. Not that people don’t want to help, but no one knows what to say.

“During that time, FEBC radio became our best friend. We used to listen to you occasionally before, but today, as we are facing death, your programs are our lifeline.

“One day I called in to share my story, what we are going through, and how lonely it feels to live in this pain and helplessness day in and day out. The wave of love and understanding that I experienced from the host and from the listeners was just overwhelming. When the host asked listeners to pray for me, I felt that God is near me.

“After the call, Vlad, one of your counselors, began writing to me, helping me deal with pain and loneliness. He also began telling me about the love of God, despite the harsh circumstances that we are experiencing. I prayed with him, over the phone, for the first time in my life, and since then I began praying on my own. My husband is yet to make this step.

“Thank you for being there for us, and for millions of others. You are real. We need your ministry.”

“Can God heal my wounds?”

We did a program about parental abuse, and received hundreds of responses. Here are some examples:

“My mom beat me regularly, but that was not as painful as her constant threats to give me away, to the orphanage, because I am stupid and ugly. I’ve been trying to recover for years. Now I am listening to you and thinking: Can God heal my wounds?” - Elena

“When my mom would beat me, who would often become hysterical, completely losing control. During those beatings I used to pretend that I am losing my mind – that was the only thing that helped to stop the beatings. I have three kids myself now, but still cannot let go of that fear. Please pray for me.” - Katerina

“I am so grateful that you are doing this program! As a man, I cannot even talk to anyone about the abuse I experienced from my parents and other relatives. I’ve been caring this pain for years. Thank you, Christian radio, for understanding.” - Svyatoslav



We need additional support of $400 per month for counselors who are working with those who need help. Our goal is to provide initial help and connect these listeners to local churches at the appropriate time.

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