Kiev evangelism center: we are praying hard

Many of you have contributed to our building project in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Thank you!

We were hoping to be able to purchase the building by now, but had to postpone it to the first part of 2019. For now, we don’t have enough resources to get the building that will be adequate for our needs.

– The Center must be close to one of the central subway stations, so our guests and volunteers would be able to easily access it. We heavily depend on volunteers for our ministry.

– We must have enough space for “live” audio programming as well as recorded videos. Short videos and visual radio are the way of the future, and because of this, physical space matters.

We need working space for staff and volunteers, particularly counselors who can work simultaneously with broadcasters, answering people’s questions online.

There are usually 25 to 30 people who come to the studio during an average day.

Maxim Shargaev, FEBC-Kiev program director, says, “We are so grateful to each and every one of you who already supported our building project. I can promise you that we will use it effectively for one purpose, to fulfill our mission.”

Our mission is this: We communicate the Good News by media to inspire people to follow Jesus Christ.

And our vision is to touch every second Ukrainian by the Gospel message by the year 2030.

We cannot get there without your help, friends, and having a place of our own is one important step towards that goal.

Photo caption: Our Media Evangelism Center is functioning, producing many hours of Christian programming daily. Our prayer is that we can purchase a place of our own to help more people.

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