5 questions

What does Ukraine need today the most?

Ukrainians need to understand that personal regeneration of millions of people is what will change the country. We are living in amazing times politically and historically, but we need a revolution in the hearts of Ukrainians.


You have preached thousands of sermons both in churches and on the radio. What’s the main difference for you? 

What is the same, I don’t see the audience (laughter; Viktor is blind). But the main difference is that the vast majority of radio listeners know little about Christ. When I talk on the radio, I assume this and make sure that I stay as close to the listener as possible. We have many intelligent, interested listeners who simply have no knowledge of the Christian faith. And the basics are beautiful: God loves you, you need to be born again, the Good News is a gift for you from God.


What are the most rewarding listener responses that you receive? 

I would say when people open up and share their lives, particularly in the area of family relationships. God has used me in this way, helping people repent and readjust their relationships. Lately, God has allowed me to help many young people, especially those who are in bondage to pornography. The entire generation is wounded by this attack from the devil. It is great to see how God’s freedom impacts their lives.


You lost your sight in two separate accidents, at age five and eight. Two questions: Do you ask God why, and how does it affect your ministry.

I stopped asking the why question a long time ago. The world is full of unexplained suffering. We know that God is good, and He is Sovereign - that’s enough for me. The question that I have to answer every day is what opportunities are available to me today to use for His Kingdom? 

One peculiar side effect of me being blind is that people open up to me a lot easier. I counsel hundreds of people every year.


You started the first station in Ukraine, in your home town of Slavyansk. Eleven months later the station was destroyed, and 5 volunteers were killed. That was five years ago. Can you share your feelings about this today? 

When I sit in our new studio that our supporters helped us build and realize that my voice is heard in thousands of homes of suffering people, I feel blessed and honored that we are now carrying the baton and continuing to do what our fallen brothers were doing before us:share the Good News amidst pain and death and see new life blossom despite war and poverty. This is what God allows us to be: a part of His family.

Viktor Kurylenko.
Senior broadcaster, FEBC-Ukraine

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